i give it a 90% chance that the voice will print the letter. He printed the "apology" from Strauss, because they wanted to receive responses like these. He likes creating controversies. Gotta read between the lines.
Ok, i didn't read it. I still think they'll print the letter.
Oh, i forgot to mention, Reb Aharon had nothing to do with the kollel movement. Nobody stayed in kollel for more than 5 years in his time. He urged them all to get positions in harbotzas Torah. It started later, when people couldn't get shtellas, so by default they ended up remaining in kollel.
This response misses the entire point. As a system with an ideal to be entirely engrossed in torah should not be encouraging side hustles and college courses. This does not mean that there are none who do other things besides sit and learn. It means that as a system it has worked for years with an ideal and there are many who have lived that life without a thought to how they will finance their lives. As the author of the grasshopper effect wrote you can ask how they do it but they nor does anyone else really know. Can one also not question why god has chosen to inject billions of dollars into the hands of frum businessmen in the current generation? I am sure the rational group would say for private Jets and to fund a certain non profit in beit shemesh or dedicate a chair of judaic studies in some random college.Just as a side point to those who deride people who dedicate their their lives to learn and must live from others….that is Rabbeinu Yackov ben R Ashers description of himself in the beginning of hilchos shabbos. (if you dont know who that is stop by BMG and ask)
1) I agree that the system was not built around the premise of people having side hustles.....because they didn't need them.
Rabbi Zuckerman (Rav of KZP, talmid of Reb Aaron) said that half of his kollel check covered rent.
Can you find an apt Lkwd for even the FULL kollel check now?
Houses costed 60-80k back then and most talmidim in BMG could afford to buy in lakewood (including my grandparents...their house is worth over a million now).
Can anyone Yeshiva afford a house in Lakewood now?
(I personally think that if one wants any shot at learning in kollel long term and not hit a financial wall he should move out of town)
2) You seem to have missed part of my post. How come the grasshopper effect does not prevent 80 % of kollel yungerleit from going out to work eventually because they need money?
3)I am not a "Slifkinite"
4) I was not coming to deride people that learn and are supported......because I LEARN AND AM SUPPORTED.
Are you sure you read my post?
5) Once we are name dropping Rishonim see the Rambam in Avos 4:5....(If you dont know who that is stop by BMG and ask)
i give it a 90% chance that the voice will print the letter. He printed the "apology" from Strauss, because they wanted to receive responses like these. He likes creating controversies. Gotta read between the lines.
The editor actually apologized as well. Slifkin doesn't quote it, but that was in addition to the Strauss article.
Ok, i didn't read it. I still think they'll print the letter.
Oh, i forgot to mention, Reb Aharon had nothing to do with the kollel movement. Nobody stayed in kollel for more than 5 years in his time. He urged them all to get positions in harbotzas Torah. It started later, when people couldn't get shtellas, so by default they ended up remaining in kollel.
Very true.
So much for the gedolim setting it up exactly the way it is!
They will not be printing it from what I have heard.
I heard the same
You have inside info?
Yes, but I'm not as certain anymore because I hear they will have some follow up.
In particular, the original letter writer will be issuing a clarification of some sort.
This response misses the entire point. As a system with an ideal to be entirely engrossed in torah should not be encouraging side hustles and college courses. This does not mean that there are none who do other things besides sit and learn. It means that as a system it has worked for years with an ideal and there are many who have lived that life without a thought to how they will finance their lives. As the author of the grasshopper effect wrote you can ask how they do it but they nor does anyone else really know. Can one also not question why god has chosen to inject billions of dollars into the hands of frum businessmen in the current generation? I am sure the rational group would say for private Jets and to fund a certain non profit in beit shemesh or dedicate a chair of judaic studies in some random college.Just as a side point to those who deride people who dedicate their their lives to learn and must live from others….that is Rabbeinu Yackov ben R Ashers description of himself in the beginning of hilchos shabbos. (if you dont know who that is stop by BMG and ask)
I am the author of the post.
A couple of points
1) I agree that the system was not built around the premise of people having side hustles.....because they didn't need them.
Rabbi Zuckerman (Rav of KZP, talmid of Reb Aaron) said that half of his kollel check covered rent.
Can you find an apt Lkwd for even the FULL kollel check now?
Houses costed 60-80k back then and most talmidim in BMG could afford to buy in lakewood (including my grandparents...their house is worth over a million now).
Can anyone Yeshiva afford a house in Lakewood now?
(I personally think that if one wants any shot at learning in kollel long term and not hit a financial wall he should move out of town)
2) You seem to have missed part of my post. How come the grasshopper effect does not prevent 80 % of kollel yungerleit from going out to work eventually because they need money?
3)I am not a "Slifkinite"
4) I was not coming to deride people that learn and are supported......because I LEARN AND AM SUPPORTED.
Are you sure you read my post?
5) Once we are name dropping Rishonim see the Rambam in Avos 4:5....(If you dont know who that is stop by BMG and ask)